2006 Great Reading Adventure aims to get
the whole of the South West reading and
talking about Jules Verne’s exciting
adventure story Around
the World in Eighty Days.
The full-text edition of the Oxford World’s
Classic version with a special Wallace and
Gromit cover should be suitable for most
secondary school students and above, and
for primary school pupils who are fluent
readers. Bulk copies of this will be supplied
free to schools and colleges in Bristol
who returned the booking form sent out in
October 2005. It will also be given to primary
schools booking performances of Sixth Sense
Theatre Company’s Toad’s
Great Western Railway Adventure [http://www.sixthsensetheatrecompany.co.uk].
A version adapted for younger, emergent
or reluctant readers or those learning English
as a second language is also available and
can be downloaded below.
For nursery and reception class pupils we
are using Ian Whybrow and David Melling’s
fun-filled picture book All
Change!, a crazy transport-hopping
journey with Miss Lollipop and her friends
who are off in search of Tiger’s birthday
Schools and colleges participating in the
project are encouraged to send us their
drawings, poems, stories and other work
inspired by their reading of the books,
and reports on classroom activities that
are taking place. We will publish a selection
on the website and also refer some to the
Great Reading Adventure’s media partners.
Follow the links below to submit your contributions.

Elaine Davis (Librarian) with some of Clyst
Vale Community College's year 11 Book Club
discussing the book in Devon.
For details of the special events taking
place as part of the Great Reading Adventure
go to the Events
and Competitions page.
To read about activities that have already
taken place in schools and other sites as
part of the Great Reading Adventure and
to submit your own reports and material,
go to the News
To make a comment on the book you have read
or share your own travel tales, go to the
Blogg page.
For details of books and weblinks related
to the topics raised in the Great Reading
Adventure go to the Bibliography
and Resources page.