Great Reading Adventure is led by the Bristol
Cultural Development Partnership (Arts Council
England, South West, Bristol City Council,
Business West).

It forms part of the Creative Bristol initiative,
which aims to deliver as much of the programme
contained in Bristol’s bid to be Capital
of Culture as possible. The Brunel 200 celebrations
are also part of that extensive programme.
For further information
on Creative Bristol contact
Andrew Kelly, Director, BCDP:
Email: andrew.kelly@businesswest.co.uk
Website: [http://www.creativebristol.com]

The Great Reading Adventure is a collaborative
effort and thanks are due to all those who
have given their time and support.
Funded by:

Support in kind:
Media Partners:

We would like to thank the 15 local authority
library services in the South West who are
supporting and participating in this project:

Special thanks
to all those who provided comments on early
drafts of the readers’ guide and children’s
edition of the book, and suggestions for
activity including: Jill Fox, Jack
Gibby, Martyn Heighton, Bridget Higginson,
Cara Higginson, Megan Higginson, Tom Higginson,
Andrew Kelly, Cynthia Martin, Amy O’Beirne,
Christy O’Beirne, Madeleine O’Beirne,
Janet Randall, Sue Sanctuary, Laura Shears,
Paula Shears, Ruth Sidgwick, Joe Skirkowski,
Paul Smith, Will Taljaard, Matthew Tanner,
Barry Taylor.