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Jules Verne

Around The World In Eighty Days
Tourist Travel
The Great Exhibition
Thomas Cook
Reader Contributions
Bibliography and Resources
Vintage looking compass graphic


Tourist Travel The innovations in modes of transport in the nineteenth century brought many changes: the possibility of living in one place and working at a distance; the ability to bring greater quantities of fresh produce from the countryside into the cities; faster communications.

It made the management of Britain’s expanding Empire easier as troops, civil servants and their families, settlers and speculators could reach the farthest outposts more quickly and in greater comfort. There was a more reliable service for mails and supplies, and for the carrying of the raw materials brought to Britain for processing. The innovations also meant that people had more opportunities to travel for pleasure.

In this section you can read about the Great Exhibition, a popular destination for early excursionists, and about Thomas Cook’s first package tour around the world.

You can read more about the British Empire in the readers’ guide.

Playing deck games aboard a voyaging ship (British Empire and commonwealth Museum

Playing deck games aboard a voyaging ship (British Empire and Commonwealth Museum

Bengal-Nagpur railway guide, originally developed in response to the Great Indian Famine of 1878 (British Empire and commonwealth Museum
Bengal-Nagpur railway guide, originally developed in response to the Great Indian Famine of 1878 (British Empire and Commonwealth Museum
Download The British Empire and the Shrinking Globe Download The British Empire and the Shrinking Globe PDF Download The British Empire and the Shrinking Globe Word