On these pages you
can find details of books by Jules Verne
and websites dedicated to him, along with
other relevant books, websites and resources.
For details of material relating to Brunel
go to the Resources and Links section of
the Brunel 200 website.
If you liked
the World in Eighty Days,
we recommend you also try:
Other classic adventure stories including
Anthony Hope's Prisoner
of Zenda, H Rider Haggard's King
Solomon's Mines, Rudyard Kipling's
John Buchan's Prester
John, Graham Greene's Stamboul
Train, Eric Ambler's Mask
of Dimitrios. Wilbur Smith's A
Falcon Flies, Rory Maclean's Stalin's
Nose: Across the Face of Europe and The
Oatmeal Ark: From
the Western Isles to a Promised Sea,
Leslie Thomas' The
Adventures of Goodnight and Loving,
Julian Barnes' A
History of the World in 10.5 Chapters.
Children's suggestions include Gillian Cross'
The Great Elephant
Chase, Geraldine McCaughrean's The
White Darkness, Joshua Mowll's Operation
Red Jericho.