Thomas Cook, the Leicester-based pioneer
of tourist travel, led his first package
tour around the world in 1872, the year
in which Phileas Fogg and Passepartout made
their own momentous journey. It was the
last great challenge facing a man who had
begun his business taking excursionists
to Temperance rallies.
In 1869 The
Daily News
had written in praise of Cook saying that
he was regarded by many as ‘a greater
man than the Captain, his famous namesake’
because although it was useful ‘to
discover Botany Bay, and to cause its adoption
as a criminal colony’ it was more
useful still to transport ‘your honest
countrymen and countrywomen to the most
elevating scenes and associations in the
world… and of bringing them back heartier,
happier and better’.
Cook’s party of eight set out from
Liverpool on 26 September 1872 travelling
on the White Star Line’s Oceanic.
Like Verne on his 1867 transatlantic crossing
they encountered stormy seas and Cook, a
poor sailor, suffered from sea sickness.
From New York they travelled by train to
Salt Lake City, Utah, via Niagara, Detroit
and Chicago, seeing through the windows
wolves and Sioux Indians – who, fortunately,
were friendlier than those encountered by
Fogg – which, Cook wrote, kept them
all ‘in a state of almost constant
excitement’. Cook reported that the
group was disappointed by the Rocky Mountains
but thought the Sierra Nevada ‘grand
beyond description’ and he was amazed
when they reached San Francisco to see the
markets teeming with fruit so late in the
The crossing of the Pacific on board the
paddle-steamer Colorado
was uneventful – though it was puzzling
to lose a day by travelling westwards across
the International Dateline (something that
gave Fogg an unexpected advantage when travelling
east). They arrived in Yokohama, where they
received a warm welcome, and toured the
city and surrounding sites by rickshaw causing,
Cook wrote to his wife, ‘as much sensation
as there would be in Granby Street if thirteen
Japs were carried in procession’ through
Leicester. They were similarly well received
in Osaka and Nagasaki.
From Japan they crossed to Shanghai, caught
only the briefest of glimpses of Hong Kong
(having made a mix up over the steamer times)
and went on to Singapore. They celebrated
Christmas in the Bay of Bengal, had a slightly
uncomfortable stay in Ceylon owing to the
mosquitoes and humidity, and landed at Madras,
India on New Year’s Day. They then
sailed on up the Hooghly to Calcutta where
they spent five days before travelling by
private rail carriage across 2,300 miles
of Indian track stopping where and when
they liked. Cook’s biographer Piers
Brendon writes that Cook’s religious
prejudices were so engrained ‘that
he could not appreciate the colourful scenes
and cultural riches which have attracted
tourists to India ever since’, being
more concerned by their heathen behaviour
and idolatry – though even Cook could
not fail to be impressed by the Taj Mahal.
From the Middle East, the party returned
on their own to England while Cook remained
to deal with the busy tourist season in
Egypt and Palestine.
Although the 222-day trip deepened the rift
between Cook and his more business-minded
son John, who thought Cook’s religious
interests jeopardised those of the tourist,
Cook felt he had learnt much by the experience.
He later wrote:
have learnt the way to circumnavigate
the globe; have seen what may be done
and what should be avoided; what time
is required and the best season for making
the tour; what detours may be made to
the best advantage; what are the respective
denominations and the proportionate values
of moneys of all the states and countries
visited. In a word, I think I comprehend
the whole of this ‘business of pleasure’
around the world.
Along the way he had appointed
local agents, negotiated favourable rates
with transit companies and hotels for future
tours and, Brendon writes, because of his
work ‘without doubt the firm of Cook
became preeminent in the [round-the-world]
You can read more about Thomas Cook and
tourist travel in the readers’ guide.