Funders Announce Support of the Great Reading Adventure
We are grateful to all those who give their time, resources, contacts,
talent and enthusiasm in support of the Great Reading Adventure. This
is a partnership initiative and all contributions are valued.
For 2005 we welcome for the first time the financial support of Arts Council
England, South West (ACESW) and the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF), each
of which have provided grants that have enabled us to expand our activities
for younger people.
Nick Capaldi Regional Executive Director from ACESW spoke at the launch
event on 6 January 2005 at Watershed. He said:
ACESW is pleased to support Bristol’s Great Reading Adventure through
our Grants for the Arts programme. The Great Reading Adventure has shown
the considerable benefits to be gained by bringing communities together
to share the reading experience and to participate in arts activities.
We are particularly pleased that some of our support will be used to run
artist, writer and dance workshops in schools, colleges and libraries,
and look forward to seeing the work that is produced there. The 2005 Adventure
is set to be the biggest adventure yet.

Capaldi, Arts Council England South West.
Adrian Tinniswood, Chair of the HLF Committee for the South West, also
spoke at the launch. He said:
HLF is delighted to support initiatives such as Bristol’s Great
Reading Adventure which provide innovative, accessible and entertaining
ways of encouraging people to reminiscence and learn about our heritage.
I am sure the 2005 Adventure’s commemoration of the civilian experience
of World War Two will be particularly engaging for the people of Bristol.
The project itself and the coverage in the Evening Post will provide
many opportunities for people to share their stories and learn more about
their city's past.

Adrian Tinniswood, Heritage Lottery Fund.
Great Reading Adventure Business Book Club
We are encouraging local businesses to join our Great Reading Adventure
Business Book Club. For £250 (plus VAT), each member company will
receive 20 copies of the book selected for the year along with 20 readers’
guides and assorted publicity material. As well as getting the opportunity
of reading and discussing the book with their colleagues, members will have
the satisfaction of knowing that their support has enabled us to purchase
more books that we can donate free to local schools, colleges and libraries.
Contact us at
for details on how to join.
Euan Cresswell, Managing Director Westmark
Westmark are delighted to support the 2005 Great Reading Adventure, and
encourage both reading and writing for all across the whole of Bristol.
The book chosen this year should not be missed.
Paul Andrew, Programme Controller GWR FM Bristol
GWR FM’s community programme Bristol Kidz actively supports all local
initiatives, like the Great Reading Adventure, that promote reading with
children and young people.
Great Reading Adventure Launch
launched its third Great Reading Adventure on 6th January with a morning
of commemoration and celebration to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the
end of the Second World War.
The launch took place at the Watershed Media Centre in Bristol where there
were readings from the novel, as well as eyewitness accounts from the
Bristol blitz and a finale of dancers performing dance steps from the
Second World War.
Following the events at Watershed, Helen Dunmore visited local bookshops
to sign copies of her Penguin novels. In the afternoon, Cllr Simon Cook,
Bristol's Lord Mayor, met pupils at St George's C of E Primary and Fair
Furlong Primary to read from the children's books being promoted during
the Adventure – Nina Bawden's Carrie's War and Helen Dunmore's
Tara's Tree House.
The launch received extensive local media coverage including a live interview
with Helen on BBC Points West and film of the Fair Furlong pupils on ITV
West News.

Cllr Simon Cook (Bristol Lord Mayor), Kim Hicks (reader
at launch), Helen Dunmore and Mike Drew (reader at launch).

Juliet Annan (Helen Dunmore's editor), Andrew Kelly (director
BCDP), Cllr Simon Cook (Bristol Lord Mayor) and Helen Dunmore.

Graeme and Ann of Hoppin' Mad performing at the

Cllr Simon Cook,
Lord Mayor, reading Tara's Tree House to pupils at St George's CE Primary

Dunmore signing books at Waterstone's, The Galleries.
Martin Chainey.