copyright holders of images used in the readers’ guide and reproduced
on this website are as follows:
holders of images used in the guide:
Penguin editions on pages 5 and 10 and image of Helen Dunmore on inside
front cover: courtesy of Penguin Books Ltd. Artwork on pages 13, 14 and
16: courtesy of Karin Littlewood. Images from Leningrad album on pages 18,
25, 26, 33 and 52: courtesy of Mitchell Library, Glasgow. Cover of song
sheet on page 35 from author’s collection. Photographs of Bristol
on pages 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 and 47: reproduced by courtesy of
Bristol United Press (many of these photos were taken by Jim Facey whose
collection is held at the Bristol Record Office).
Copyright holders of poems used in the guide:
Poems on pages 23 and 46: Bloodaxe Books; poems on pages 12, 17, 36 and
51: Helen Dunmore.
Extensive attempts have been made to identify copyright holders of material
reproduced in this guide. We apologise if we have missed any. If you are
a copyright holder and you have not received an acknowledgement, contact
Bristol Cultural Development Partnership and full acknowledgement will be
made in a future edition of this guide and on this website. |