The Bristol Story Characters from the comic with Portrait of a Nation - Bristol logo
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Bristol: the book
Bristol: the place
Bristol: the people
Bristol: business
My Bristol
News & Press
Activities & Resources

My Bristol

The Great Reading Adventure encourages people to contribute personal stories of living, studying and working in Bristol, share memories of Bristol companies and products, nominate their favourite building, and exchange urban legends about their Bristol.

You can also give comments about The Bristol Story book.

A selection of the contributions received will be available in the following sections. Underline denotes section is now active.

My place: people describe and share memories of areas in which they have lived, studied or worked.

Bristol in business: people describe Bristol companies they or their family have worked for, and share memories of some Bristol products and brands.

Bristol buildings: people nominate their favourite Bristol building, past or present, giving reasons for their choice.

City myths: a collection of urban myths set in Bristol sent in by participants in the project.

The Bristol Story: reader comments on the book.

To contribute to this section email or write to Great Reading Adventure, Bristol Cultural Development Partnership, Leigh Court, Abbots Leigh, Bristol BS8 3RA.


Download a summary of the
on-line feedback received from readers of The Bristol Story here.

Although we won't be updating the summary document for this website again, we do still welcome feedback on the project for our own records so if you have not yet completed the survey, please do so by following the link here.

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